Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Research Project On Social Networking Sites And Its...

The first step in performing a qualitative research project is to develop a theoretical and conceptual understanding of the phenomenon being studied; which includes performing background research on the theoretical foundations of the phenomenon and researching research conducted on the phenomenon’s field. This is the literature review. The literature review shares with the reader the results of other studies that are closely related to the one being studied. It relates the study to the larger ongoing dialogue in the literature, filling in the gaps and extending prior studies. It provides a framework for establishing the importance of your study. And it Provides a benchmark for comparing the results with other findings. The†¦show more content†¦In the Krasnova et. al. study, the researchers examined several gratification mechanisms with regard to individual self-disclosure on Online Social Networks. They found that the convenience of maintaining relationships is an important determinant of Self-disclosure. Convenience benefits arise as a result of the OSN design, which places users just ‘one click away’ from each other and allows them to easily and efficiently update a large group of friends and acquaintances. A small post on the wall is a simple way to remind others about oneself, helping to keep relationships alive. Additionally, they confirm that people looking for new friendships disclose more about themselves in their attempt to find common ground with unknown people. Furthermore, they found enjoyment to be a significant driver of self-disclosure. Features that address users’ pleasure motives are continuously integrated into the platforms, encouraging users to reveal more information and creating site stickiness. This result reveals that the rewards people gain from engaging in intensive communication on OSNs can overshadow the risks and induce them to reveal more information. Furthermore, their results showed that the feeling of being in control enhances the user trust in the OSN provider. By

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